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Datasets schemas

Despite the curation, datasets can have intrinsically different schemas.

You can investigate those on the command line via the datasets schema sub-command.

tcbench datasets schema --help

 Usage: tcbench datasets schema [OPTIONS]

 Show datasets schemas

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --name  -n  [ucdavis-icdm19|utmobilenet21|mirage19|mirage22]  Dataset to install                                         │
│ --type  -t  [unfiltered|filtered|splits]                      Schema type (unfiltered: original raw data; filtered:      │
│                                                               curated data; splits: train/val/test splits)               │
│ --help                                                        Show this message and exit.                                │

Beside the dataset name --name, the selection of the schema is simplified via a single parameter --type which matches the parquet files as follows

  • "unfiltered" corresponds to the monolithic before any filtering (i.e., the files under /preprocessed)

  • "filtered" corresponds to the filtered version of the monolithic files (i.e., the files having minpkts<N> in the filename).

  • "splits" corresponds to the split files (i.e., the files having xyz_split.parquet in the filename).