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The dataset collect traffic from 9 mobile Android apps (webex, skype, microsoft teams, zoom, discord, messenger, gotomeeting, google meetings, slack).

The authors of the dataset (Guarino et. al) describe it as follows

The dataset was collected by students and researchers within April–June 2021 leveraging the MIRAGE architecture [16] (conveniently optimized to capture traffic of communication and collaboration apps) in the ARCLAB laboratory at the University of Napoli “Federico II”.1 Experimenters used three mobile devices: a Google Nexus 6 (Android 10) and two Samsung Galaxy A5 (Android 6.0.1). In each capture session— whose duration spanned from 15 to 80 minutes based on the activity—the experimenters performed a specific activity, so as to obtain a traffic dataset that reflects the common usage of considered apps.2 Each session resulted in a PCAP traffic trace and additional system log-files with ground-truth information. Based on the latter, each biflow3 was reliably labeled with the corresponding Android package-name by considering established network-connections (via netstat).


Communication and collaboration apps—used for business meeting, classes, and social interaction—have experienced a huge utilization increment when “stay-at-home” orders were issued worldwide. Based on both popularity and utilization boost, herein we focus on five of them: GotoMeeting (Gm), Skype (Sk), Teams (Tm), Webex (Wb), and Zoom (Zm). Indeed, Zoom has obtained the steepest increment with its traffic scaling to orders of magnitude, followed by Webex, GotoMeeting, Teams, BlueJeans (whose traffic we are currently collecting), and Skype [17]

author={Guarino, Idio and Aceto, Giuseppe and Ciuonzo, Domenico and Montieri, Antonio and Persico, Valerio and Pescapé, Antonio},  
booktitle={2021 IEEE 26th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD)},   
title={Classification of Communication and Collaboration Apps via Advanced Deep-Learning Approaches},   

As suggested by the name, the dataset is from the same research group of mirage19 so the two datasets share many properties.

The major difference is the target of applications as mirage22 focuses only on on video meeting Android apps with experiments annotated with respect to different interactions the the apps (voice, chat, etc.) while mirage19 is more diversified set of apps.

Raw data

The dataset is a single zip. Once unpacked it has the following structure

├── Preprocessed_pickle
└── Raw_JSON
    ├── Discord
    ├── GotoMeeting
    ├── Meet
    ├── Messenger
    ├── Skype
    ├── Slack
    ├── Teams
    ├── Webex
    └── Zoom

Notice the two subfolders:

  • Raw_JSON gathers the nested JSON files for each experiment.

  • Preprocessed_pickle is a pickle serialization of the data but unfortunately is undocumented.

Curation & splits

We follow the same processes described for mirage19 curation, i.e., consolidation and flattening of the JSON files, removal of the background, etc.

However, next to the unfiltered and filtered version imposing a minimum of 10 packets per flow, we also create a second filtered version imposing a minimum of 1,000 packets per flow.

Once the parquet files are generate we create 80/10/10 train/validation/test splits with the same process described for the mirage19 splits.


The installation does not requires you to pre-download the dataset tarball and can be triggered with the following command

tcbench datasets install --name mirage22


│download & unpack│
Downloading... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 3.1 GB / 3.1 GB eta 0:00:00
opening: /tmp/tmp3marsp7l/
opening: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/raw/MIRAGE-COVID-CCMA-2022/Raw_JSON/
opening: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/raw/MIRAGE-COVID-CCMA-2022/Raw_JSON/
opening: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/raw/MIRAGE-COVID-CCMA-2022/Raw_JSON/
opening: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/raw/MIRAGE-COVID-CCMA-2022/Raw_JSON/
opening: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/raw/MIRAGE-COVID-CCMA-2022/Raw_JSON/
opening: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/raw/MIRAGE-COVID-CCMA-2022/Raw_JSON/
opening: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/raw/MIRAGE-COVID-CCMA-2022/Raw_JSON/
opening: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/raw/MIRAGE-COVID-CCMA-2022/Raw_JSON/
opening: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/raw/MIRAGE-COVID-CCMA-2022/Raw_JSON/

found 998 JSON files to load
Converting JSONs... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 998/998 0:00:28
merging files...
saving: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/preprocessed/mirage22.parquet

│filter & generate splits│
loading: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tcbench/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/preprocessed/mirage22.parquet
samples count : unfiltered
┃ app                              ┃ samples ┃
│ background                       │   18882 │
│              │    6541 │
│                 │    6203 │
│ us.zoom.videomeetings            │    5066 │
│         │    4789 │
│ com.discord                      │    4337 │
│ com.facebook.orca                │    4321 │
│ com.gotomeeting                  │    3695 │
│ com.Slack                        │    2985 │
│ │    2252 │
│ __total__                        │   59071 │
stats : number packets per-flow (unfiltered)
┃ stat  ┃     value ┃
│ count │   59071.0 │
│ mean  │   3068.32 │
│ std   │  25416.43 │
│ min   │       1.0 │
│ 25%   │      20.0 │
│ 50%   │      27.0 │
│ 75%   │      42.0 │
│ max   │ 1665842.0 │

filtering min_pkts=10...
saving: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tcbench/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/preprocessed/imc23/mirage22_filtered_minpkts10.parquet
samples count : filtered (min_pkts=10)
┃ app                              ┃ samples ┃
│         │    4437 │
│                 │    4117 │
│              │    3857 │
│ us.zoom.videomeetings            │    3587 │
│ com.discord                      │    3387 │
│ com.facebook.orca                │    2623 │
│ com.gotomeeting                  │    2557 │
│ │    1238 │
│ com.Slack                        │     970 │
│ __total__                        │   26773 │
stats : number packets per-flow (min_pkts=10)
┃ stat  ┃     value ┃
│ count │   26773.0 │
│ mean  │   6598.23 │
│ std   │  37290.08 │
│ min   │      11.0 │
│ 25%   │      15.0 │
│ 50%   │      21.0 │
│ 75%   │     186.0 │
│ max   │ 1665842.0 │
saving: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tcbench/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/preprocessed/imc23/mirage22_filtered_minpkts10_splits.parquet
┃ app                              ┃ train_samples ┃ val_samples ┃ test_samples ┃ all_samples ┃
│         │          3594 │         399 │          444 │        4437 │
│                 │          3334 │         371 │          412 │        4117 │
│              │          3124 │         347 │          386 │        3857 │
│ us.zoom.videomeetings            │          2905 │         323 │          359 │        3587 │
│ com.discord                      │          2743 │         305 │          339 │        3387 │
│ com.facebook.orca                │          2125 │         236 │          262 │        2623 │
│ com.gotomeeting                  │          2072 │         230 │          255 │        2557 │
│ │          1002 │         112 │          124 │        1238 │
│ com.Slack                        │           786 │          87 │           97 │         970 │
│ __total__                        │         21685 │        2410 │         2678 │       26773 │

filtering min_pkts=1000...
saving: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tcbench/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/preprocessed/imc23/mirage22_filtered_minpkts1000.parquet
samples count : filtered (min_pkts=1000)
┃ app                              ┃ samples ┃
│ com.discord                      │    2220 │
│ us.zoom.videomeetings            │     425 │
│ │     379 │
│              │     321 │
│ com.gotomeeting                  │     297 │
│ com.facebook.orca                │     280 │
│         │     259 │
│ com.Slack                        │     198 │
│                 │     190 │
│ __total__                        │    4569 │
stats : number packets per-flow (min_pkts=1000)
┃ stat  ┃     value ┃
│ count │    4569.0 │
│ mean  │  38321.32 │
│ std   │   83282.0 │
│ min   │    1001.0 │
│ 25%   │    2863.0 │
│ 50%   │    6303.0 │
│ 75%   │   35392.0 │
│ max   │ 1665842.0 │
saving: ./envs/tcbench/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tcbench/libtcdatasets/datasets/mirage22/preprocessed/imc23/mirage22_filtered_minpkts1000_splits.parquet
┃ app                              ┃ train_samples ┃ val_samples ┃ test_samples ┃ all_samples ┃
│ com.discord                      │          1798 │         200 │          222 │        2220 │
│ us.zoom.videomeetings            │           344 │          39 │           42 │         425 │
│ │           307 │          34 │           38 │         379 │
│              │           260 │          29 │           32 │         321 │
│ com.gotomeeting                  │           240 │          27 │           30 │         297 │
│ com.facebook.orca                │           227 │          25 │           28 │         280 │
│         │           210 │          23 │           26 │         259 │
│ com.Slack                        │           160 │          18 │           20 │         198 │
│                 │           154 │          17 │           19 │         190 │
│ __total__                        │          3700 │         412 │          457 │        4569 │

The console output is showing a few samples count reports related to the processing performed on the datasets

  1. The first report relates to the unfiltered dataset, i.e., the monolithic parquet files obtained consolidating all JSON files but before applying any curation. At first glance, it looks like this dataset has a lot of flows. However, the following report shows the number of packets per flow and suggests that there are many flows which are very short.

  2. The second and third group of reports show similar information to the first group but relates to the filtering out of flows with less than 10 and 1,000 packets.

  3. The last report shows the number of train/validation/test samples by each application for the first split (the same counters are true for all splits) when focusing on flows with more than 1,000 packets.